Are Above Ground Tornado Shelters Safe? Watch for more info...
We are a proud Producer Member of the National Storm Shelter Association. In order to become a member, our shelters have met strict engineering review and wind cannon testing. Explore their web site to learn more about storm shelter design requirements.
If you're looking for information on storm preparedness, look no further than Ready.Gov! Tips, lists of supplies, facts, and more are easily accessible. Be Ready with Ready.Gov!
Follow this link to learn more about FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance programs. This is also a good web site to visit to learn more about disaster prep and recovery.
Texas Tech University's National Wind Institute is the leader in the research and education on the impact of wind on structures and human life. Their debris impact lab is where storm shelters and components are tested to verify their durability and engineering.
For warnings, watches, forecasts, and historical data, visit the National Weather Service site. If you're a weather-geek (like us), you'll find fascinating statistics and maps!